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> blame people who do know and write internet comments instead of taking action

Amen. I’ve worked on privacy issues in the states. Never again. The overlap between people who care about privacy and those who are too lazy and/or nihilistic to engage with the civic process might as well be perfect.

If you care about this, call your elected. If you won’t, that’s the problem.

They're nihilistic for a reason, I won't call my representative because its a waste of time. Privacy-minded Americans are a tiny subset of the population vs. the most powerful corporate entities and intelligence agencies in the world, there isn't anything we (or my representatives) can do or say that's going to make a meaningful difference. If the snowden leaks weren't enough to trigger a reckoning on this issue then nothing will. At this point civic engagement on privacy in the US basically amounts to political masturbation, it feels good but does nothing

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