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Tesla stocks have a lot of hype especially from Cathie of Ark. Nearly everywhere from spams to YT to FB, you have a lot of "ads" to promote Tesla. Anything EVs good news straight away related to "Tesla" even if it is about Toyota or BYD bad news, seems like Tesla getting credit instead. At current stage I am convince somekind of coordinated and multi layered pump and dump is happening. We are at the "pump" stage. Anyone doing a decent research will see Tesla has near no moat unlike Apple, Nvidia or Microsoft. No battery factory. No owning any lithium mine. No gpu productions. Factories depend heavily on China grace. High churn of employees. Solarcity gone. Autopilot rebranded as FSD which is not even reaching 3.0 after half a decade of promises. CyberTruck design are joke. Any trainees working in BMW or BYD can design a better CyberTruck. Gigafactory? Hahaha...you got a chance take a look BYD factories. Even Taobao warehouses will make Amazon warehouse look like medieval setup. There are Chinese factories that look more like Star Trek than ANY gigfactory. Just ride the hype part and make sure you do the dump earlier before the actual dump happening by the elites.

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