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Some people are rich.

Let's say most Americans wouldn't question a $5 unrecognized charge showing up every month because the statement delta isn't enough to peek their suspicion. Especially true if they're not paying statement balance every month. In the consumer's mind, they treat their credit card balance like casino chips. Fostering mental fiscal compartmentalization and cognitive dissonance is your best bet in screwing over the American consumer for that $$$.

Meanwhile, an Eastern European grandma would show up at the branch office of the company with a pitchfork.

> Fostering mental fiscal compartmentalization and cognitive dissonance is your best bet in screwing over the American consumer for that $$$.

Yeah, pretty much. Especially when customer service is one of the most painful, drawling experinces imaginable for someone already working 60 hours a week and taking care of family. Or spending an hour+ on the line with excuciating elevator music hoping you don't disconnect and need to repeat that process. It's financially and mentally not worth the hassle unless it's over a certain delta. Maybe that's where some of this cultural difference lies.

But I think it's more an age thing than a country thing though. Look at who's in a phone store or grocery or any other establishment with a streamlined complaint pipeline on your next off day.

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