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49. Bring Something Beautiful

+/(1+⍳∞)-s ←→ ×/÷1-(⍭⍳∞)-s

The following e-mail exchange took place on 2010-06-24 during a discussion on numeric representation.

Morten Kromberg: And… I shall fight against adding any form of NaN/Infinity — to the death! They will horribly complicate our implementation and don’t help users do anything useful.

Roger Hui: In the year 2033 Earth was discovered by Survey Fleet MCXII of the Galactic Empire. The Emperor ordered Earth to send a representative to the court, with strict instructions to “bring something beautiful”.


  What beautiful things does Earth have?
Earth Representative

  Your excellency, our mathematician Euler proved in our year 1737 that +/(1+⍳∞)*-s ←→ ×/÷1-(⍭⍳∞)*-s

  What is the ⍭ symbol?
Earth Rep.

  ⍭i is the i-th prime.

  And what is ∞? Does it do anything useful?
Earth Rep.

  It denotes infinity, your excellency.

  (ponders equation for a minute or two) Respect!

  Neat notation you have there. Tell me more.
Earth Rep.

  Your excellency, it’s called APL. It was invented by the Canadian Kenneth E. Iverson …

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