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Also the fact that 93% of paint splatters are valid Perl programs (2019) (mcmillen.dev) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40197013

And riffing off poetry in prog langs, Dylan Beattie's Rockstar comes to mind: https://codewithrockstar.com/

Difficult to mention Beattie without also mentioning his musical work, eg "Bug in the Javascript" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxi0ETwDvws&list=PLw0jj21rhf...

Oh my, I haven't seen this one before... grinning like silly. I referenced his talk "The Art of Code" in my essay (I'm OP), a personal favourite.

Watching "Dylan Beattie's Tech Parodies" seems like a nice way to goof off this Sunday... brb.

Cool, speaking of rock stars, "You Give REST a Bad Name" is a bit heavier; since you're OP, maybe the next one could be "Is there a program that rocks as hard as...?"

I still remember a particular moment in the early 1980s. I was working through K&R, and temperature conversion (§1.2) had been mid, but the RPN calculator (§4.3) was lit, and having typed it in, then figured out its principles of operation, I just knew I wanted to become a programmer.

  He heard one guitar, just blew him away
  He saw stars in his eyes, and the very next day *
From then on, I was destined for a life of Hex, Bugs, and Rock&Roll.

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic02W1bWeFU

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