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Convenience and sense of freedom. No license required, can lend it to friends or kids. Can be parked anywhere. Can be loaded on a car, ferry and some places even the metro. Can ride them on bike lanes, the forest and the sidewalk. More approachable diy maintenance. Don't need full leather protection, just a helmet and t-shirt and you are good to go. If you are only traveling max 30km within the town, you don't need anything faster.

Bigger isn't always better.

> Can be parked anywhere

Jesus I wouldn't park a $15k bike anywhere...

This is hard to believe but if true it's insane. The claim is, 2 million bikes are stolen in the USA every year.


Some bicyclists in Palo Alto do, probably because they can't take their Ferrari's with them. A former business partner had a ~$8k bicycle stolen from Castro St. downtown in a very public area. All it takes to steal is 30 seconds and a battery-powered angle grinder. If someone doesn't have Tile, AirTag, and a GPS tracker on such a bike, then they're an idiot.

You took the Most expensive example to make your Point.

Who even owns a 15k bike? 0.0001 % of the population?

Did you actually read this thread? We're specifically talking about a $15k ebike.

Anywhere, including indoors :)

If you're afraid of it getting stolen you can buy insurance.

"Hi, I'd like to insure my $15k ebike. How many times has it been stolen you ask? Oh only a few. Half a dozen at most. Hello? Is anyone there?"

Hahaha. I hope a precondition to any bicycle theft includes requires 1 or more tracking devices and not transiting anywhere near a major metropolitan area or any city area with a drug problem.

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