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Nice! I was a Fast Tracker 2 guy back in the day. More recently I've played with OpenMPT and MilkyTracker (both of which I packaged for PortableApps.com) with my old MODs. I love seeing older stuff get properly open sourced.

Impulse Tracker: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impulse_Tracker

Fast Tracker 2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FastTracker_2

Have you checked out 8bitbubsy's extremely accurate modern clone of FT2 (and one of Protracker as well)?


I just did! That's awesome. I may need to package these, too.

They're already available in the Debian repos and probably elsewhere as well.

Oh I meant package for PortableApps.com.

Any thoughts on Hively Tracker?

I'll take a look at it.

Thanks for milky on portable apps! Use it all the time

You're welcome :)

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