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This LED mask hides your face behind a creepy pixelated smile (theverge.com)
9 points by thunderbong 4 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - Laughing Man, Ghost in the Shell

I don't think that this sort of mask will catch on generally, but you'll see them at anime conventions and Halloween parties maybe

One day there will be an artistic weirdo who only wears this sort of mask during all of their public appearances and interviews and such, somewhat like Yoko Taro's iconic mask

I still think it's neat honestly. It's so weird how much we're living through the creation of so much technology that people cooked up in science fiction and cyberpunk stories

Daft Punk already kinda did it.

Interestingly the pictures seem to be taken in Paris, where wearing this mask in the street would be illegal.

I remember reading some sci-fi about people wearing masked that messed with the shape of their face enough so facial recognition didn't work (to avoid getting killed).

Even now we could probably do this with adversarial sunglasses or makeup.

I wonder if this will become fashion statement in the near future

> which is apparently pronounced similar to "cootie"

Which is slang for "vagina." Why not "cutie" or "cutty?" Did we learn nothing from Quibi's failure?

I'm aware of the term "coochie" as slang for vagina, but not "cootie".

Aren't cooties the imaginary "bugs" that young boys and girls give each other at recess?

That's how the people around me have always used it in California and New England.

Think they combined "cooter" and "coochie"

as the article states, if you aren't worried about giving random chinese company's your location information and installing their software on your phone, better masks than this can be had for cheaper on amazon today.

Technology cannot solve privacy invasion. A face is only one data point. Skin tone, clothes, your gait etc... all can give away who you are.

What we need is a political framework that will go after privacy thieves. The thieves should face the same kind of consequences as someone who breaks into a billionaire's home.

"Effortlessly emote and interact with the help of motion recognition triggers." Um, muscles do that already to your face.

"To let people know what you're thinking, just nod." So, like using a head?

Is this product literally a lower-resolution abstraction for what your face and head can already do?

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