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> unlike answering a question from a coworker, "moving off the keyboard, grabbing the mouse, figuring out where the cursor is," then moving the cursor are all "perceptual" tasks that most people can do without disturbing the "cognitive" tasks involved in programming or communication

I explained why $50 million spent measuring how long it takes to do a task isn't measuring the right thing, and therefore doesn't support the claim that users are wrong. You're telling me your opinion, which of course you're entitled to have, but that doesn't fix the flawed claims of the research.

> Are you surprised that 80% of Emacs users use graphical Emacs?


> users who like to always keep their hands on the keyboard are much more vocal than users who alternate frequently between keyboard and a pointing device

This has no relevance to my comment, which is that the research didn't measure what it needed to measure, and therefore one should not conclude that users have been proven wrong.

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