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It’s shoved in anything. Look at any product now from soap to cement somewhere someone has just slapped AI on the marketing material.

Any examples? I really haven't seen one outside of hacker news launch attempts

I am not the OP but I've noticed it stuffed into recent plugin updates for Wordpress - WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, WP Bakery, Elementor to name just a few.

It's also now relentlessly pushed in platforms like Adobe, iStock and Mail Chimp to the point that it is intrusive. I would love to use Open AI more but whenever I've asked Chat GP about things that I do know a lot about , the answers have been laughably limited or flat-out wrong.

I personally would like a laundry drone that folds and puts away the clean washing, as well as match clean socks. Or a bot that can make calls to utility companies on my behalf.

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