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I'm convinced in a few hundred/thousand years scientists are going to be urging politicians to figure out how to pump more CO2 into the atmosphere due to cooling from cyclic perturbations of Earth's orbit. Too bad I won't be around to enjoy the irony.

I don't think it would be any more ironic than a house using the heater in the winter and ac in the summer

Also, acidification is another problem of co2. Honestly you might rather release methane or refrigerant if your goal was only to heat/insulate the atmosphere with minimal changes to chemistry, but I'm not a chemist etc

Also never forget the great oxygenation event and the azola cooling the planet to the point of mass extinction and snowball earth

Fair enough.

Is it ironic? Right now it's getting too hot so we want fewer greenhouse gasses, in the future it might be cold and we want more. I think it's less ironic and more just the intentional infant science of planet-scale climate engineering

Regardless of the cause of climate change, on any time scale (even if it is a 100% natural cycle and human effects are zilch in the grand scheme), pollution is icky and hey, I'm walking^W living over here.

With respect, 2/3 of the carbon dioxide out there is purely natural such that “icky” isn’t an appropriate foundation for the relevant public policy

With respect, they said pollution is the icky part. I’m not aware of any major industries that are responsible for an appreciable amount of CO2 emissions and no other pollutants/icky stuff, but I’d love to be proven wrong about that.

Given the orbital perturbations are on timescales of hundreds of thousands of years, no.

(That said, if we make it past the next century, we're probably going to be disassembling entire planets with von Neumann replicators rather than concerning ourselves with something as small as a mere atmosphere).

or we will learn those studies were by the same caliber of people who did the food pyramid etc

The food pyramid is misunderstood

'those scientists' were from Sweden responding to protests over the increasing costs of food due to famine. When looked at from the lens of maximizing calories per dollar, it makes a lot more sense.

Makes sense. In a similar vein, once fast food places started stating calories per item... It actually helped me maximize calories per dollar and eat more calories, which seems opposite of the original goal of helping people limit their calories. Who is going to fast food to keep calories low?

> . Who is going to fast food to keep calories low?

I'd guess that there are more people use that information to select lower calorie food than people who make their menu selections based on the maximum number of calories per dollar, although I'd bet both those groups are a tiny fraction compared to the number of people who just order whatever they're in the mood for/tastes best to them and knowing how many calories are in that meal doesn't influence their behavior/choices at that moment but may still inform their choices later on

it could have been divine revelation. what matters is that it is used to this day for policy.

Which is not what you said originally, when you disparaged those who created the food pyramid,

In what way do you think the food pyramid is used today for policy? It's been known to be incorrect and not used for quite a while ...

uhmm.. if we have to do that, we'll do it.. i don't see what's ironic about that.

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