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And install door plugs (or not, as the case may be)

Hey now, that was done by Boeing

According to most reporting, Spirit removed, then failed to re-install the door. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/boeing-loose-bolts-alaska-airli...

Yes, but to be fair the reporting is incomplete because the Boeing-maintained records of the maintenance were incomplete in seemingly-deliberate ways. So... we just don't know. At least one, plausibly two bad guys there.

As far as I can make out, Spirit employees (probably with the knowledge and tacit approval of management, because that's the way these things usually go) found a loophole in the record system that allowed them to avoid triggering QA checks. Boeing has blame for creating a system with such a loophole, or failing to find it before it was used, but it was Spirit personnel who actually used it.

IIRC from one of the whistle-blower accounts, the main issue was that the Boeing computer system only had an option for fully removing the door, which wasn't done, only a partial removal to allow access to the parts needing work. There was then a disjoint between the Spirit work system and the Boeing one which resulted in someone saying "fuck it" and skipping it.

Let me see if I can find the account again.

Eh, slightly faulty memory on the details, but it's here:

Part 1 - https://leehamnews.com/2024/01/15/unplanned-removal-installa...

Part 2 - https://leehamnews.com/2024/01/15/unplanned-removal-installa...

Still a clusterfuck all around though.

Reminds me of an MBA that worked for a customer. Figured out how to silently force various production tests in order to ship product faster.

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