I get what you're saying, but I don't think that contradicts the optimal strategy I outlined?
Rather than a large deviation from a suicide burn at the end of the burn, a small deviation at the beginning of the burn should be a cheaper way (w/r/t fuel burn) to "search" the buggy code for a possible soft landing solution.
Anyway, what a fun write-up! Thanks for posting it.
So it turns out, before discovering the bug, I actually wrote code to find the optimal sequence when your choices are restricted to integers. I thought, along the same lines as you, "maybe if you burn 165 or 170 or something in the first non-zero term, then you could burn less on the 14 turn and still land."
And this is how I know it's not possible, at least with integer burn rates. :) I checked all 201^9 combinations, with a few optimizations to cut down the search space.
That's different than what you said, of using floating point for the last burn. But it is in a similar spirit.
>I thought, along the same lines as you, "maybe if you burn 165 or 170 or something in the first non-zero term, then you could burn less on the 14 turn and still land."
That's not exactly what I was thinking.
Clearly that won't work, because just by changing the least significant digit (ie adding 1e-8 lb/s) in step t=70 seconds, you "blow past" the soft landing window, in part due to the bug.
Evidently the move played at t=70 seconds is, in effect, too 'course-grained' to effectively target the (small) soft landing window. By shifting your "subtract 1e-8 lb/s" move (ie playing 199.99999999 lb/s) later and later in the burn, you effectively make it more and more fine-grained (for a minimum fuel penalty) until you can achieve that soft landing.
Thanks again. I'm not sure who's right, but it's certainly a very stimulating problem!
I think they are saying that you need to switch to 199.999... lbs/s for all the 200 lbs/s burns, not just the last one.
Just trying to clarify where you seem to be speaking past each other, though it seems that this might simply lead to a non-optimal strategy (i.e. taking more time to land than theoretically possible, however minute the difference is).
Rather than a large deviation from a suicide burn at the end of the burn, a small deviation at the beginning of the burn should be a cheaper way (w/r/t fuel burn) to "search" the buggy code for a possible soft landing solution.
Anyway, what a fun write-up! Thanks for posting it.