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and you believe so, cause now you can go on twitter and freely spread disinformation which approved by Elon otherwise you'll be ban as before.

Am I getting your defenition of freedom correctly or did I miss something?

“Freedom of speech” by definition includes ”speech you don’t like”, including ”misinformation”.

Otherwise anything can be suppressed by claiming it’s misinformation and then banned, such as “Hunter Biden’s laptop” or “Covid might have come from the lab” during previous Twitter regime.

expect Elon has no problem censoring speech he does not like.. And he has no problem supporting censorship in places he has nothing to gain..

on one side you have him criticizing the current left wing government and the country supreme court because "freedom of speech" in brazil, while he is loosing the negotiation to buy one of the largest lithium mining company in the region to china's BYD and having a right wing government instead would benefit him, so causing political turmoil is in his best interest..

while at the other end you have india that has made more requests to take down content then brasil and is heavily censoring people in twitter, but since they have a right wing government that Elon have good relation with you do not hear a pip from him about censorship in india..

Elon crusade is not about freedom of speech, it is about what is best for Elon..

if you say something he does not like, you will get banned, like already happened with several journalists that criticized him and the guy the posted his plane location..

It is a fact that twitter is less censored that it were before Musk. It's not 100% censorship free, but less censored. The fact that you think some of the things that aren't censored anymore should be, because you disagree with them, is irrelevant - it's just your private opinion, while reducing censorship is an objective fact.

yeah.. the problem is that twitter has as much censorship as before, might even have more..

but now the reason for censorship decision are about what is best for elon..

if it benefit him he will allow censorship to happen, if it benefits him he will censor you himself.. on the other hand, if it benefits him he will fight against censorship..

and he is doing all of that right now, all at the same time..

if he has nothing to gain then you will be censored and will not hear a pip from him.. if you cross him he will get you banned like he did to the cnn and nyt journalists that criticized him or the account that posted his plane location (that is public information and easily obtained)..

the only reason you think there is less censorship is because he allowed the far-right back and he only did it because he think it will benefit him.. but he also banned a bunch of people he did not like on the other side to compensate..

> the problem is that twitter has as much censorship as before, might even have more

Would be a stronger claim if it were accompanied by any evidence. Say, can you name five most prominent political figures booted from or silenced by X recently for their political speech? I would have no trouble naming many examples from pre-Musk times.

> he only did it because he think it will benefit him

That would be in now way different from what facebook, google and other are doing, but again, before discussing that, would be nice to know what we're discussing - specifically.

> but he also banned a bunch of people he did not like on the other side to compensate

Can you name some specifics?

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