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I own stocks of several companies and I definitely hope he stays as far away from them as possible. He is a man-child into alt-right and antivax conspiracy theories, this is toxic to any brand unless you are selling to the MAGA crowd.

The irony is, there are plenty of products and brands that absolutely would like to sell to the MAGA crowd, but you would not expect electric cars to be one of them, especially as their presidential candidate announced that he would ban them.

What if Musk is just pretending all this to sell to the MAGA people?

He has pretty much always supported democrats after all.

no he hasn't. like, he donates HEAVILY to anti-union causes and the GOP.

I really think people should stop saying "alt right" for anyone more conservative than Bernie Sanders. Alt right is an actual thing, and the trick of calling a mild thing an awful thing stopped working a few years ago.

Elon has retweeted things about The Great Replacement and anti-vax conspiracies. He is very much on the alt right, not "slightly right of Bernie Sanders".

Hard to know without citations what that means in practice. And retweets? I don't know. I like every YouTube video I watch regardless of whether I like it, so I know what I've watched.

Things that you could do accidentally with a thumbslip should only have a certain weight attached, and being quick to reach for a description that includes people who want Jewish people dead should be done cautiously.

> quick to reach for a description that includes people who want Jewish people dead

Never heard him being called Columbia University or Harvard student.

He did grow up with the original unexpurgated Ag Pleez Deddy *.

Not that's any excuse but that was how the twig was bent.

* Original being more or less contemporous with the novels Riotous Assembly and Indecent Exposure which lampooned the times.

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