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Ask HN: Would You Interested in a Service That Applies to Jobs for You
4 points by alexander2002 14 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments
I know such services already exist but checking what HN crowd thinks of such a service since I am thinking of starting one myself

Edit:This would be a personalized service not just a job application service.Think updating your linkedln profile, posting content to make popular and be in the eye of recruiters ,writing personalized cover letters etc

The worst way to find a job, as a service. If your job-hunting strategy centers around LinkedIn and submitting as many applications as possible you have placed yourself at the lowest end of the candidate pool, and competition is most fierce at the low end.

No, would not use, and would not think much of a candidate who used such a service.

makes sense thank you!

I would be interested in a list of people who use this sort of service, so that I can be sure I never hire any of them.

woah! that is harsh

I used usemassive.com for awhile but eventually cancelled because i wasn't getting any follow ups.

What were the reasons! I am thinking what if Already job holders can benefit as well from such a service i.e negotiations with recruiters to gauge their true market value and potentially make a move due to unexpected market conditions.

I know someone online who worked at major company and was laid off after covid and he was looking for a job and could not find one as his linkedln profile was super outdated plus he was too old for hustling the job market

What do you think?

I'm 49 and got laid off in august, so i'm willing to try anything. usemassive was expensive though $89/mo which I can justify if I'm getting interviews, but I wasn't.

Ok If you are comfortable emailing me, I will keep you in mind and send you the invite link when it opens.The service would be free for You for 3 months!

sure you can email me: anthony@profullstack.com

some insights

hiring people comes from 3 sources

1. direct applicants who found your job listings

2. aplicants referred by people already working at the same firm

3. applicants who are poached / headhunted, where the recruiter reached out to them

1 has a lot of noise, 2 and 3 has better signal. on 2 referrer people put their reputation on the line, on 3 they earn commission on successful hires so recruiters do it well too.

create a platform that allows #3 instead. example? somewhere.com.

Not with that grammar in the title. You apply for jobs.

sry typo english is not my first language

This sounds like a terrible idea.

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