Nice kit.
> I couldn't use my normal `i3`/`sway` bindings to switch between terminals inside a tmux session
Just curious, what are your normal 'i3'/'sway' bindings that you cannot get to work with tmux ? And what actual terminal program do you use ?
Perhaps tmux wants more config than most people care to bother with, but scrollback and copy-paste can be configured just as you like.
If you’re using a tiling window manager your window switch keybindings necessarily conflict between the manager and tmux, since if you configure the same one and then press it while focused on a tmux window, the tiling window manager will override tmux and claim the event.
Scrollback and copy paste cannot always be configured as you want. I’ve shared some specifics elsewhere in this thread.
ok, I get that. Maybe something like A-left to move to next i3 window and A-S-left to move to next tmux window within an i3 window ? Perhaps a tiling window manager with multiple windows combined with tmux dividing some of those windows further into sub-windows isn't an ideal flow.
It's not i3/tmux, but a similar problem exists for vim/tmux, where the vim window management keys will conflict with tmux's.
And there's https://github.com/numToStr/Navigator.nvim that unifies the keys by letting the outside layer (tmux) always ask the inside layer (vim) before any movements.
Although that is indeed a lot more setup. But works pretty well.