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Consider the source.

And the same deals Dems have been making for decades too.

> Consider the source.

The source is a paper run by an ex-News Corp employee.

> And the same deals Dems have been making for decades too.

This is extremely hand-wavy. To get down to specifics, look at the history of the opening of drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. GOP opens it, Dems close it.

Look at EPA fuel efficiency regulations, which party increases them?

I understand being frustrated by how corporate-friendly both parties in the USA are, but to just throw your hands up in the air while stating "both sides" is ignoring reality and surrendering your agency.

> The source is a paper run by an ex-News Corp employee.

So someone who's used to being owned by a billionaire and pushing their agenda, and good at it, and presumably doing the same thing now under another billionaire? What point were you trying to make?

My point, while admittedly weak, was that the WP is not as institutionally anti-Trump as is often bandied about. Though I now realize that was a useless thing to raise in this context.

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