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Not sure what you mean by those links, but they seem to pretty clearly indicate that "turf" does not imply "artificial"; the meaning of the term always includes real grass, so using "grass" and "turf" as if they're mutually exclusive alternatives makes no sense.

I mean to imply that you’re straight incorrect on top of being pedantic. The dictionary link provides definition 1b for turf as “an artificial substitute for this (as on a playing field)”.

Not only have you added nothing of value to the topic at large, you provided incorrect information. The intent was obvious enough that you felt confident “correcting” me. Thanks for playing.

I don't think you're parsing the dictionary correctly. Using "turf" to refer exclusively to artificial turf is not supported by the dictionary you cite, and is unnecessarily confusing and distracting. In the future, just be explicit and use the term "artificial turf".

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