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This just seems like it's co-opting the url into a "search". Just have a normal search page where users can type in what they want if they want fuzzy matching. Or have the 404 page contain a search page. I don't think using the url as a "fuzzy search" is the right application.

You can do this and still 404, even. There is rarely a good reason not to 404 when you don’t recognize the URL, even if you want to try to do something helpful with the 404 page.

Yup. I would highly recommend a helpful 404 page rather than "silently" redirecting the user to a different page that they didn't type. Just put a search box, a link to the homepage and "Did you mean these similar pages:" with a list of links.

My 2x: i've seen this implemented in the past and appreciated it. I think they used keyword match too, not just uri.

That said iirc it came up because they didn't have a proper 301/302 configured

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