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NASA accidentally broadcasts simulation of distressed astronauts (reuters.com)
69 points by donohoe 16 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Apparently the broadcast was wrongly routed audio from a ground-based simulation. Have such errors ever occurred before?

accidentally broadcasts eh?

Simulation eh?

Maude, eh?

All I can think is it’s someone’s last day at work deliberately or not…

Pretty terrible from a PR perspective

It's nowhere near bad enough for someone to lose their job.

The only impact was that outsiders panicked for a bit and corrections had to be issued. In exchange, people gained an awareness of the behind-the-scenes work being done to ensure the station crew's safety.

Instead, they'll probably work on updating their procedures, both to ensure that this kind of error doesn't happen again, but also the baseline safety procedures taking into account public panic.

Probably depends on if they work for NASA directly or a contractor. NASA generally doesn't fire people for mistakes, especially if there are lessons that can be learned to prevent others from making the same mistake in the future. Plus NASA is majority unionized, so there's a process that's usually not worth going through to fire someone when you can just reassign them somewhere else.

If they work for a contractor who now has egg all over their face, yeah, might be a rough day at work.

I hope not! We don’t know how this happened, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some outdated, unintuitive software that makes it easy to make mistakes was involved.

> Recordings of the audio quickly spread on social media

Can anyone find this?

I though 4chan would jump on it since all the space scenes are filmed underwater something something.

I almost feel sad since it's like no one actually cared and NASA was hoping it would "quickly spread on social media"

[edit] here - https://x.com/TLPN_Official/status/1801020834229706766 nitter - https://xcancel.com/TLPN_Official/status/1801020834229706766

I think the procedure they are following is "NASA JSC Decompression Sickness Procedures and Guidelines, JPG 1800.3"

Mentioned here, flow chart on what to do page 97 - https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/conkin-dcs-c...

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