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ok so to answer more thoroughly, sign up is required for the sync feature to work. I'm not gonna say there's no way around having a server for sync, but none is simple or even possible to implement for all platforms including the web (see the Nat Traversal problem [1]).

You can self host of course in which case you only sign up to your own server. Instructions for self hosting can be found on the github page [2].

As for verifying the privacy of your data, this is a little more complicated. First, since it's a web app, you can open the dev console of your browser and in the network tab you'll see all the data that gets passes around. You will see that the content of your notes and passwords are all "gibberish" because they are encrypted or hashed. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean they are encrypted or encrypted well. To verify that, you really have to take a look at the code at least the client examples [3] which is provided in both typescript and python. They will show you how encryption and decryption work which allows you to verify that the "gibberish" data you see in the network tab of the website really is properly encrypted notes.

I hope that addresses your concerns. Let me know if you have any more questions.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAT_traversal

[2] https://github.com/computing-den/unforget

[3] https://github.com/computing-den/unforget/tree/master/exampl...

Not OP but thanks for the detailed explanations

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