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Well, if concepts turn out to be simplicial (or cellular) complexes maybe philosophy can be made into applied algebraic topology.

You may be interested in some of the work of the great Bill Lawvere, especially around formalization of Hegelian dialectics:


Thank you. It's a bit surprising to see Hegel here, I was thinking more on the lines of the analytic philosophy. Of course many early 20th c. mathematicians who were interested in philosophy such as Weyl or Gian-Carlo Rota would not have thought much of such a distinction.

Yeah, it didn't used to be that big of a divide. Nowadays it seems like analytic philosophers are doing endless retreads, and continental ones are also doing endless retreads, but with more confusing sentence structure.

From a 10,000 foot view, I think nailing down a more "objective" understanding of dialectics (idealist, material, whatever) is a promising direction to ameliorate this meta-problem. People arguing in journals is pretty much a dialectic problem, so understanding that can go a long way to understanding issues beyond that.

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