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Very cool!

Would it make sense to use this for storing keys used other shell scripts?

Does it support hardware keys?

About using it for storing keys of other shell scripts/commands: What kind of special functionality this would require? Would you like to, for example, use passlane to extract the password of some script and then pipe it to that script? Perhaps adding that kind of functionality would make sense.

Well say I have U&P or API keys for some network service and I have a little shell script that automates it. I can save the auth info in the script or in a ~/.keys/ file or something and the file system permissions are all that's protecting them.

If my script could retrieve a password from my KeePass DB if it's unlocked, or ask me to unlock it, that would be cool.

Yes, makes sense! I would need to change it to output only the password without all the extra info that only makes sense for humans - could work in this script mode when provided with an additional command line option.

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