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> as long as they have access to their email and phone number they can reset their passwords.

At best they spend hours and hours up to days resetting the passwords for all the account they ever had. Looking at my password list, there's 700 or them, it would take me a week of my life, if I ever get to do it at all.

At worst they actually can't access their email and it's the end (or a week or two of back and forth sending official documents to get it back ?)

> Google

As a first point: they don't have to go all Google. They can have a Google account solely for their phone, and have everything elsewhere. That's a nobrainer as long as they have a solid password manager. You call it hodgepodge, but that's just what we've doing for the last centuries.

The issue of a service unilaterally killing an account isn't limited to Google. Apple will also kill your account if they assume you misbehave, and you might get someone on the phone, while not getting any resolution.

Do we hear it more about Google ? sure. But Google is also in the biggest service provider on earth at this point.

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