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Nice app! What are the other more robust/featureful ones in this category?

Soulver: https://soulver.app

Back when I tried it, it felt more like an advanced calculator with a text interface than a "magical calculating plaintext file" to me, which is what I want. But lots of people love it.

The other option is something like a Jupyter notebook, or perhaps a Swift playground. But those are not nearly as easy to set up and use.

Just for fun, here's my most recent Calca file. The numbers after "=>" are calculated by the app. Note that it understands (and converts) units of measurement.

  # Alcohol Math
  drinks(x, abv) = (x in floz) * abv / 0.6 floz
  angostura bitters = 44.7%
  templeton rye = 45.75%
  fernet branca = 39%
  tanqueray 10 gin = 47.3%
  fred jerbis vermouth = 18%
  #trinidad sour
  drinks(45 mliters, angostura bitters) + drinks(17 mliters, templeton rye ) => 1.5719
  #hanky panky
  drinks(45 mliters, tanqueray 10 gin) + drinks(45 mliters, fred jerbis vermouth) + drinks(7.5 mliters, fernet branca) => 1.8209

Iā€™m a Soulver fan.

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