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I thought most people agreed that space-based nuclear weapons were inferior to MIRV ICBMs a looooong time ago. Makes more sense to use one rocket to launch multiple missiles when you need to than to launch a disposable "sleeping giant" that anyone could mess with for decades to come.

Space is perhaps the worst possible place you could choose to store nuclear weapons.

I think this post is more focused on nuclear defense in space. Which also changes the whole mutually assured destruction dynamic. Until 2002 we were in a treaty that limited anti-ballistic missile systems

Yes, SpaceX is said to be developing something more akin to Brilliant Pebbles, eventually using kinetic interceptors like https://castelion.com is developing. (team at company are all SpaceX starshield people). Intercepts ICBM in "boost phase" launching from enemy territory (vulnerable / no decoys possible). Mike Griffin is Castelion advisor (enough said) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_D._Griffin#Career

Boost phase interception defeats MIRVs but requires a massive number of interceptors in LEO. And that was judged to be totally infeasible...

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