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It’s just incredible that there are still records that exist that can be used to tell this story.

? Organized societies leave records; the eruption happened in year 79, under the Flavians - the Colosseum will be inaugurated the next year.

It is a mark of the so-called "middle ages" or "dark ages" to have periods in which reporting falls...

And those records are usually destroyed over time by wars, earthquakes, fires, dégradations, just misplacing stuff, etc, etc.

So yeah I'm amazed too -- this stuff survives.

Backups ;) Much is lost, some is retained...

(The original poster wrote «records that exist that can be used to tell this story»: of all the documentation that can be lost, that produced during the first imperial Rome is probably some of the most secured. We still lost a lot: for example, the culmination of that period is probably under Trajan, and he wrote the Commentarii de bellis Dacicis - lost, contrary to its model, Julius Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico...)

All true. But these backups must be available publicly-- especially after someone's death (an unfortunate event:/)

Without that -- they become lost.

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