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Framework Laptop 13 Deep Dive - Creating a custom high-resolution display (frame.work)
38 points by rbanffy 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

When I see a new Framework product, such as their latest Intel CPU updates and now a third screen installment for the 13, I can't help but feel frustrated at the limited effort put into the development and maintenance of older models.

I'm linking the threads on the 11th gen and 12th gen Intel BIOS updates. It takes years for an update to be made available, and then it has endless problems with the update itself or after.

Nirav Patel writes from time to time they're gradually putting more effort into the maintenance of their older systems, but it doesn't instill confidence the older hardware will remain as well supported as alternatives.

11th gen: https://community.frame.work/t/11th-gen-intel-core-bios-3-10... 12th gen: https://community.frame.work/t/12th-gen-intel-core-bios-3-08...

You got me again, framework! ;-)

I bought the original glossy, despite my reservations, because it was the only choice. Then the matte display came out, and I upgraded to that for $200! Now you dribble out high-res, which I'd have preferred up front. For another ~$300 (giving me euros for some reason) I could now get hi-res?

Meanwhile the "marketplace" is not yet a market yet, still? I'm need to find a use for this growing pile of displays.

Oh, and what's with the sendgrid tracking links on your blog? Are we not able to trust even the companies we do deal with directly any more? I mean sure there's Microsoft and its ilk, but framework paints itself as enlightened.

There's little boards you can buy from other places that convert your old displays to type C.

I’m building my own dual screen laptop based on the framework 13. It has the 16” 4k+ 16:10 1000nit micro led panel from the razer blade 16. Just tested out the panel for the first time last night and it is the best I have ever seen.

This sounds like such a cool project! Are you documenting it anywhere?

> this resolution is perfect for 2:1 scaling, which is especially convenient for Linux

That is one hell of a way to say “Linux sucks at fractional scaling and we’ve given up”

Doesn't MacOS also use integer scaling?

They also use much higher PPI displays than your typical laptop. IIRC, Mac displays are so high-PPI that macOS just ignores the pixel-snap hints in fonts, letting anti-aliasing handle it.

What I would love is to have lower than 1 scaling values for 1080 screens where I don’t mind being able to read the small text, but where I need to cram a lot of data and graphs.

I've been using fractional scaling on mint and fedora for a couple of years now. It's a checkbox in the display control panel.

It's not that it doesn't work at all, and it might even work pretty well in most apps.

The problem with non-integer scaling is the moment you run an app that has a custom UI element that thinks in pixels you start having to do ugly things.

There's a reason even Apple chose to implement their "Retina" displays by doubling the DPI compared to their predecessors. It makes backwards compatibility so much easier. All the system-provided UI elements can work at the new resolution while the custom elements get doubled unless they explicitly declare hiDPI support.

AFAIK if you use a non-Apple display on a Mac or set it to a non-standard scaling factor it's still implemented by using a virtual display resolution that's higher than the actual display resolution where legacy apps still get doubled and then the resulting image is scaled back down to the actual display which gets the best possible result at the cost of processor/GPU resources. Windows and Linux to my knowledge use "cheaper" but significantly uglier methods (also seen on Macs when using X11 apps).

You're not contradicting him since he's never saying the feature doesn't exist. He saying it's not working great.

It works great. Have also had two 4k panels for a decade... while the same folks here kept repeating that it doesn't work.

They never said it doesn't work. They said it has issues which it does.

If it works for you fine but you can't tell anyone with a straight face fractional scaling on Linux is flawless for everyone on all apps because it definitely isn't, proof being the dozens of users who will testify to this.

That's what people are saying. Please follow HN rules when making arguments and assume good faith instead of accusing everyone you disagree with of being wrong.

The comment I replied to wasn't in good faith. I've been using this stuff for almost a decade and it just works. Maybe you've found a broken app—that's certainly possible. But that's a problem of the app, not "linux."

>Maybe you've found a broken app

Apps aren't broken, the scaling is. Check How do KDE apps scale on Gnome?

gtk and qt apps working fine here. I only have one kde box but scaling is working fine there on a 4k screen as well.

"Picking the simpler solution" is not equivalent to "we've given up."

It's the nice way of saying it.

Is there any naming standardisation for laptop displays like this? It just seems to run on eDP and have a slightly uncommon 3:2 aspect ratio, but I don't know if those mounting points are out of the ordinary.

Being able to pull a working display panel out of another machine, and even 3d-print or cut an appropriate bezel if it's smaller, and use it would be great for repairability.

I'm going to get my first framework as soon as shipping to Sweden is announced (should be this month) but I don't know if the screen is worth it.

I'm only planning to use it when I travel or sit in the sofa during some evenings, the desktop will be my main developer machine.

Are the benefits worth it? And is it a good idea ti get a really good screen for the laptop if the desktop doesn't have quite as nice screens?

I'm wondering if anyone has published a good battery life breakdown?

it's hard given all the variations of hardware but screen, graphics and CPU should be doable as a good benchmark.

At $460 this is pretty extensive for a new panel.

Is this in USD? I'm seeing $269

Was that for the new 2k? Need to scroll a bit

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