Do you realize that at least half of the bike accidents don't involve cars? Getting rid of the cars won't get rid of the dangers of the two wheeled, unstable machines that frequently toss the riders when the brakes lock.
I'm not sure where you're getting this. This link doesn't have pages and it gathers information from a variety of sources.
The top of the report clearly says, "50% of crashes are a single bicycle accident (HOPE)" and "21% of crashes are a bicycle-bicycle crash (HOPE)". Is it possible that only 29% involve cars?
Seriously, I cannot recall any news report, of any bicycle accident, that didn't end in permanent injury or death (which sort of makes sense, but still ... )
Being in a news report is a fatal bias, though, since there won't be one for a bruised knee. It's not possible to derive any accurate knowledge from that.
How does the bike do in a crash?