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I don't think neovim is as strong as emacs when it comes to extensibility. It also has no self documenting like emacs. If one is committed to the philosophy of using emacs for everything or almost everything neovim would probably leave one wanting. I do agree however it has come a long way. It is good there so many strong options these days. And I will cede one thing about emacs and vim (neovim). They most likely still be around after whatever next big editor replaces vscode.

If you do try neovim again maybe check out (in case you may have not heard of it) https://github.com/Olical/conjure It was (is) pretty nice last time I used it.

Yes, I know about Conjure as I am a relatively frequent user of Fennel. One of my projects was, at one point, the third or fourth most starred Fennel project on GitHub. Thank you for reminding me about it; I may decide to borrow some ideas from it, as I'm finding more and more cases where Lua is used. The latest revelation is that mpv can be extended with Lua, and I just found out about it. I jokingly call Fennel "the best formatter for Lua code; it makes your Lua look much nicer..." :)

Thank you once again. I tip my hat to you, my fellow vimmer, as another die-hard vimmer who, quite amusingly, happens to be on Emacs.

Thank you, too for the friendly discussion.

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