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The reentry videos during the 3rd launch were unreal. Live images of plasma dancing.

Just looking at the 2 vehicles stacked also looks sci-fi.

It's great being part of another space age, having missed the first one when it was at its peak. Exciting times.

The tumbling sure made the footage a lot more spectacular than straight-and-level flight would have :) It's still pretty stunning that we could watch it live, in that quality, nearly uninterrupted.

Would love to know if the reentry ship vibrations might make patterns in the plasma akin to the cymatic patterns on a chladni plate or faraday waves in a dish of water. Maybe it would be useful… but maybe it would just look cool!

Seeing starship in person, both it being stacked and also taking off, was the most "I live in the future" experience of my life. It genuinely felt like science fiction and I was grinning so hard as I was driving towards Starbase and seeing the stacked Starship off in the distance for the first time. I car camped on the beach directly outside the base (thankfully AC all night in a Tesla) and it was also a really fun experience waking up in the middle of the night, and again later at sunrise, and seeing Starship immediately outside my window

That footage is the coolest thing to come out of this so far.

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