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I love lisp and On Lisp, SICP and Let over Lambda all taught me so much. But, I like high volume programming, at least a few K calls per second per core, and that means working in big orgs with other people which means code that takes a lot of focus and innate talent is not the right choice for code. Homogeneity of syntax but also of concepts and big vision are more useful than super smart code. Even when everything is going well, one needs to be able to skim code rather than think deeply about each symbol.

Caveat I have never written Lisp professionally, tho I do use function generating functions when I can. E.g. an API with 20 methods that all do the same basic thing with little variations. I will write one big function generating function that takes parameters for all the variations and then just assign the dynamic output to the expected API name (in Python). I have a go test suite where it runs the AST over a directory and extracts all the functions with a certain name and generate a list of tests then all my components run the dame test suite but calling different implementations for service calls. Or test generators where you specify parameters like expected output and input and implementation details and get an array of callable tests in nodeJS. So my code isn't trivial for outsiders to read but easier than a very DSL macrofied lisp would be.

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