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Minecraft was the first game, someone on the "internet" gifted me. I was like "Why do you do that?!" and he was just like, because it's cool to play with you.

Ahhhh! Fond memories. :)

Minecraft was the first game I made long term friends from the internet in. I went on to play other games with my friends from minecraft for years. My first real relationship was with someone I met on Minecraft. I flew across the US to visit her multiple times in high school (working as a dishwasher to buy tickets). 7 years later I bought her and her child plane tickets to visit me (earlier this year).

Also Minecraft got me into programming in Java, which let to my programming career. So yeah... Minecraft has been a pretty big part of my life, even if I mostly stopped playing it in early high school :P

Actually that is an heartwarming story and a great example how games (and gaming) can connect people and how it can inspire careers!

Thank you for sharing!

Minecraft is also how I got into programming! Hundreds of hours spent writing Java plugins for CraftBukkit/Spigot :)

That’s a great story! Kudos good human!

I sent $20 via USPS to a friend with a credit card who purchased it on my behalf. Good times.

Actually that's pretty awesome to have someone trustworthy to do such things!

gosh, thats a beautiful little story.

Thank you! It was really an awesome time way back and made me aware that, gifting other people games is a nice thing to do.

I had 20 bucks and only 20 bucks. I could buy Minecraft alpha or bitcoin. I chose Minecraft. Whoops.

But still, neat game all around.

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