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Doctorow on Ticketmaster jacking us for billions so it can pocket millions (pluralistic.net)
18 points by Jaauthor 31 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Corruption is a system of concentrated gains and diffused costs: cheaters make a lot of money, and their victims each lose a little. The cheater has a much larger pool of money to spend on keeping the scam going, and the victims need to pay again to fight the cheater.

NB: Use the original title and don't put the site or author's name in the title, per HN guidelines:

If the title includes the name of the site, please take it out, because the site name will be displayed after the link.

If the title contains a gratuitous number or number + adjective, we'd appreciate it if you'd crop it. E.g. translate "10 Ways To Do X" to "How To Do X," and "14 Amazing Ys" to "Ys." Exception: when the number is meaningful, e.g. "The 5 Platonic Solids."

Otherwise please use the original title, unless it is misleading or linkbait; don't editorialize.


Similarly: <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7518157>

So: "Ticketmaster jacks us for billions so it can pocket millions".

Since that is a direct quote from the article, the usual practice here on HN would be to add a "> " before it, or to place double quotes around it.

And ... it's also generally frowned on to give a summary or pull-quotes from the article without further context:

<https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39572941> and <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39670657>.

(Submitter is a green, presumably they're unfamiliar with HN conventions. dang, whom I'm linking here, is one of HN's moderators, and the only public-facing mod.)

I'm always amused how articles like this say "Ticketmaster" when they mean "Live Nation".

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