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> To be fair to Ylva, she may say this dumb crap but it's not from any extensive knowledge she may have about the subject. Instead politicians are always briefed by experts in the field about said topic.

The exact same excuse, used by the CEO at the head of the UK Post Office, at the time of the infamous scandal.

Its literally how politicians do their job without having to be an expert in the field.

You'll be gobsmacked by how few financial ministers have a background in economics.

I have enough with a lawyer as Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States...

Yes, but if you want to be the guy in charge and delegate, you also have a responsibility to delegate to the right people; and you are (or should be) responsible when that goes wrong.

Yes I never said that politicians aren't beholden.

I only said that politicians have to rely on experts they choose to call in or listen to, it is then up to the people to decide if said politician does a good job effectively.

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