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If you’re the type of person who won’t just move on from an idea when you’ve been repeatedly told no that indicates you’re probably a difficult person to work with in other ways.

That kind of behavior is less welcome in enterprise environments where they want you to get in line with the top level goals.

From my experience working at Bloomberg, there was a limit to how much you could rock the boat as a dev and in many ways the technology/language choices were limited to the approved stack.

bloomberg has some great teams though. i had lunch with the bond pool team about 5 years ago, and oh my gd they were good. plus the snack floor is awesome in the main office.

I loved most of my time working at Bloomberg. Super smart people, a very engineering-centric culture. The politics, however, were very different from the west-coast companies I worked at before, though. You might not think that there are much politics where you work, but that just means you are so familiar with the politics that you conform to them without even thinking about it.

But every organization has its sacred cows, and no matter where you work, if you happen to get yourself into a situation where in order for you to be right, your bosses have to be wrong, it's game over.

Yeah I definitely agree that they’re doing some great engineering work in the company.

It’s a strange place because it’s fully owned by Mike Bloomberg without any board or other group of shareholders that oversees his decisions. There is a “board” equivalent but they report to him. It’s great in someways like how they’re able to spend so much of their profits on philanthropy but leads to a lot of quirks.

i have a colleague like this whose main avenue of logic seems to be wearing teammates down. i wouldn’t fire him over this, but gawd are there days where i wish he’d move on. we’d be losing out on a few skills but i’d dread meetings a little less.

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