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> Why do we get the free magic of people making great backward compatible code with other projects and so painfully not with this one?

And I explained what the difference is.

These projects are old and difficult. Most open source projects are neither.

There are very similar problems with open source domain-specific tools, for example (Musescore, GIMP, FreeCAD, KiCad before CERN decided to fund it, etc.).

Musescore has a nice video about how hard fixing it was and how hard it was to get to Version 3 and then trying to get it to Version 4 and how lucky they sometimes had to get: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qct6LKbneKQ

Again, though, the weirdness exists; you just mentioned a bunch of niche things (presuming that KiCad is niche, I've never heard of it, so probably)

X/Wayland ain't like that AT ALL. It's something very central to the OS, which just tends to "get taken care of."

Really, my gut is that this is about a slow subconscious shift in culture; in the beginning there were the hippies who shared everything and now GNOME et al want to be 20 devs in a trenchcoat pretending to be Steve Jobs.

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