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Longitude and our neurons of navigation (forkingpaths.co)
25 points by wormold 32 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Getting really sick of these AI gen graphics on blog posts and YouTube vids to the point it’s an automatic back click when I see one. I hope it ends.

I don't think it will. They can just make it generate more Corporate Memphis-y images so you will feel comfortable citizen.

I think what bothers me is you can make some pretty cool - and artistically novel - things with gen AI.

But this type of “throw a bunch of random keywords related to the blog/video content and go brrrrr on MidJounrey” is just trash.

After moving from Europe to Australia my sense of East and West was completely broken. I would exit a building and turn the wrong way all the time.

Having done a lot of navigation/sailing in my youth, my brain automatically was computing east/west based on the sun being in the south.

A rare disadvantage of having learned to navigate by the sun.

I generally have no idea which way is east or west unless the sun is quite low in the sky, or I already know the area and just know the layout.

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