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Show HN: I wrote a book about self-hosting for a small group of friends/family (selfhostbook.com)
30 points by meonkeys 30 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
If you're not yet self-hosting or looking to adjust your self-hosting setup, you might find it useful.

Edit: The ebook is available now for purchase/download.

Earlier beta was mentioned at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40269993

It's currently an annoucement of something that will be available in the future? Is there a sample chapter to share? (https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html)

It's available now. (sorry: that wasn't a dup, I just linked to the old HN post for posterity)

Most confusing way I've ever seen of getting a book. In fact I got so annoyed I've decided to give it a miss. I'm sure it's an excellent book.

I found it exceedingly easy to find out how to buy it. There's even an FAQ question about buying it

What part of getting the book is confusing?

the link is broken

that's inspiring

Fixed, and still within my SLA

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