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Bare HTML never goes out of style. My archive doesn’t use any JavaScript at all, it’s just HTML with the smallest amount of classless CSS I could get away with

I love you, will you marry me?

Can you make the rest of the web like this? That would be awesome.

> Can you make the rest of the web like this? That would be awesome.

I'm working on something like that for blog hosting: https://lmno.lol No JS needed to read anything. You can browse from termina/lynx if you fancy

Here's mine blog on it: https://lmno.lol/alvaro

ps. Service hasn't officially launched, though happy to share invites. Already got a handful of happy users. Ping me (help at lmno.lol).

I like the minimalism. I’ve been using https://bearblog.dev as a blog recently.


The bad news is market forces are such that Web 1.0 will never again be profitable. The good news is market forces are such that Web 1.0 is effectively unkillable.

> Web 1.0 will never again be profitable

.. if not already profitable due to historical network effects, like https://craigslist.org which was ~$10M annual revenue per employee, north of $500M/year total.

> Can you make the rest of the web like this?

Why not build the next thing. Who will still use The Web when The Scroll comes out (very soon ;) ?


I checked it out, and it doesn't seem to do anything at all if you have javascript turned off.

no, it won't. you need js

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