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Quite a few people are on HN and Lobste.rs. Usually if you ask here in a noticeable way, you can find somebody who will hook you up with an invite, although everyone has their own criteria on who they'll invite if they don't know you personally.

My take? I usually look at someone's HN post history and if it appears that they are a reasonable person who conducts themselves in a reasonable, moderately professional, respectful way, I'll invite them.

So yeah, feel free to drop your email here, or shoot me an email at the address mentioned in my profile, and I'd be happy to invite you.

I've asked a few people in the past for a lobster.rs invite and haven't gotten one yet, so I'm interested. Check out my posting history here or my (somewhat neglected) blogging on https://www.mcherm.com . My email is mcherm@mcherm.com.

Check your e-mail.

Thanks! I already got an invite though :)

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