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Stop using Debian based distros, this a deliberate choice on their part. Use a rolling release like Fedora.

Use Debian Testing. This is the _rolling_ release from the Debian family.

And don't be fooled by the name of the release: "Testing". The name "Testing" exists due to an orthodox approach of Debian community that only the Debian stable can use "stable".

Testing is not really a rolling release and is not guaranteed to get security updates in a timely manner so it's certainly not for everyone.

Testing is a rolling release for most of the time. As well as Sid is:

Sid [rolling] -> Testing [rolling] -> Stable [point release]

This is only true until testing gets frozen. After a freeze gets lifted again, many transitions might occur. I use it myself but it's wrong to call it a rolling release that everyone should use.

testing is absolutely not a rolling release. Sure it gets new packages faster than stable which can appear to be the same as a rolling release it gets frozen before a stable release and suddenly it's not a rolling release.

So to describe it precisly: Debian Testing is a rolling release for majority of time. When the Stable is going to be released, Testing gets frozen for a while. But then it becomes the rolling release again. Debian stable gets released once in ~2 years. So once in ~2 years Debian testing is not a rolling release.

And ignore the orthodox Debianeers who say "nobody should be using testing".

Fedora isn't more rolling than Debian. That is both have rolling testing vs rawhide but otherwise they are not.

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