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I really don't understand the canadian salaries. It doesn't make sense given we can work for the US

(I am speculating here...)

Canadian citizens can work for a US based company under a TN visa. You would still need a work visa for the country you work "in" - and the TN would be applicable.

Non-citizen Canadian residents are not eligible for a TN visa and would be restricted to only jobs within Canada.

But this are all remote jobs, so the VISA thing is not relevant, at least that's why I brought this up

I am basing this off of https://blog.hireborderless.com/post/working-remotely-for-u-...

> To legally work for a U.S. company, a Canadian citizen must obtain a valid work visa. This is known as a TN Visa.

And https://www.uscisguide.com/visa/nonimmigrant-visas/work/u-s-...

> 13. Are there any special considerations for remote workers with a U.S. work visa?

> Yes, remote workers with a U.S. work visa must comply with the same rules and regulations as their colleagues in the U.S. This includes such things as tax, insurance, and labor laws. Additionally, remote workers must ensure they understand the regulations of the country in which they are based, as they may vary from those of the U.S. Furthermore, remote workers should be aware that they may be subject to different immigration rules and regulations than their colleagues who are physically located in the U.S. Finally, remote workers should ensure that they have a valid work visa in order to remain compliant with U.S. immigration law.

I see. Usually when working for the US from Canada what happens is you are treated like a contractor (which has some complexities), or hired through a PEO or the US company opens an office in Canada

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