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I think you misunderstand what I'm saying.

There are _plenty_ of jobs in the range I'm looking for. This site doesn't allow me to find them. That's all.

So don't use it. If you already know there are lots of jobs in the range you're looking for, why do you care about this site?

Because I would still like another way to look for them. Is this a serious question?

It seems strange to see someone set expectations up front with what their site is for, then have someone complain that it's not for something different.

The site is built around having a lower limit on compensation. All I'm asking is for that limit to be adjustable. That's not something different, it's the same thing, but more flexible/usable/better.

Did you look at the site? There are a lot of filters and not that many jobs. You can just look through them.

The filters are too low for my needs.

That doesn't make any sense. There aren't that many jobs, you can just look through them. Do you think there are listing that the site has but doesn't show anyone? Do you think it's filtering from some other larger database? Why not just go to that source instead?

there are filters for salary ranges. but what you are looking for is all ranges from a certain starting point, or more general: a custom range. i think that's a reasonable suggestion.

Your post is the definition of toxic positivity. The OP needs feedback on how to make the site better. Tell them how to do it isn't entitled, it's the literal point of the post.

The OP needs feedback on how to make the site better.

Do they?

Also there aren't that many jobs to sort through, they could just look through all of them.

> Great suggestion. I'm adding it on my top priorities.

This is from the OP / site author.

Seems they appreciated the feedback.

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