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Email notifications for Hacker News comment replies (hnreplies.com)
17 points by rob 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

FWIW I know there are a bunch of other "HN notification" sites. dang has previously commented why he doesn't think this feature fits with the ethos of HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27901918

Also for the privacy conscious, hnreplies had a data breach in 2021, making public the link from email address to HN username: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26968908

I'd like to point out that while there was indeed a breach, the response from the author felt very right.

Not a fan of this for aesthetic reasons. I enjoy that HN is beneficially slowed down by a lack of notifications. I believe it is a valuable distinction from most other forums and mainline social posts.

It's useful to have options. In particular, I prefer RSS/Atom feeds (polled once a day), rather than visiting Web pages to check for updates "manually". HNReplies lets me treat comment replies in the same way (I'm currently consuming both in Thunderbird; in the past I converted RSS to maildir and consumed both in Emacs).

This is great! But I’m not keen that the site isn’t using HTTPS by default, nor the links in the verification emails.

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