I don’t think any discussions about the effects of hormonal birth control pollution are being suppressed. What I do see are a lot of websites with an ax to grind against any form of contraception saying that it is being “suppressed”.
> politically intransigent because of competing economic interests
Maybe we shouldn’t just blow past this point. It is not an acceptable state of the world that the welfare of our children is even considered against the wealth extraction for a few multinational companies. Politicians that take kickbacks to allow companies to poison their water supplies is something that should never happen in a functional democracy.
> politically intransigent because of competing economic interests
Maybe we shouldn’t just blow past this point. It is not an acceptable state of the world that the welfare of our children is even considered against the wealth extraction for a few multinational companies. Politicians that take kickbacks to allow companies to poison their water supplies is something that should never happen in a functional democracy.