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Perfect addition for me. I use with badssl.com in my toolbox for training and coding tests. Need more "bad example" tools to cover corner cases and understand common failure modes.

In case anyone is looking for similar tools needs one for HTTP status codes:

https://httpstat.us https://httpstat.us/404

Cool website. Can't tell if requests for nonsensical codes like 108 are supposed to return 500 or if that's an error on my side. Returns things like 707 just fine.

Not affiliated with the site at all, but just confirmed in Vivaldi that https://httpstat.us/108 returns a 500 "This page isn't working" error, while Firefox just shows a blank page (and a 500 error in the Network inspection tab). Even get a 500 error with wget ("GNU Wget 1.16 built on linux-gnueabihf.")

Looked through the source briefly but couldn't understand exactly how it's working, so I'm not sure yet if it's more likely an issue on the server or "browser"...

Looking into it further, they seem to be using Kestral web server on an azure app service. I assume the server doesn't like serving those status codes for some (understandable) reason. My first guess was that it was some reverse proxy causing the problem.

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