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Exactly this. It's why the former communist countries had nothing to do with Karl Marx's communism and why people say "real communism has never been tried".

Those "communists" who came to power there didn't distribute the wealth to the people, but came to power to pocket it themselves by replacing the monarchies who had all the wealth and power previously to them, but still kept the folk enslaved at gunpoint. You basically switched one undemocratic oppressive regime with another and the average folk kept getting the short stick both times.

So be careful when you wish for major revolutions. Doesn't necessarily mean that with new management, things will always turn out better for you this time. Doesn't mean you should stick to the status quo and never try to change things either.

I endorse queer automated Revolution.

The beauty of this is that we can do terror and violence to the enemy by just existing peacefully, as queer people. The enemy is literally just that cowardly, we could say "boo, I exist" at them, and we don't have to kill anyone.

Automating things, making those automations queer inclusive, and maintaining control of the things that we automated, by making them open source, is how we ram that victory home.

Tada! Queer automated open source communism for the win. Now you either want to work for the revolution, are terrified of it like bonkers because I said queer as if I'm proud of it, or you have critical ideas about how to improve it! And that's exactly how a revolution should be!

Viva! We can be gay! We can do crimes! We can automate the things! And we can win!

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