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> It follows that for the average American, a normal outlet is not fine.

Yes, that's why it's recommended to install a home "Level 2" charger (1). that's that's several times faster than "a normal outlet". It's both fine and practical to do that.

Not everything in a typical house runs on just "normal outlet" power. e.g. electric ovens also do not.




We really need a device that can replace our current electric meters to charge a few EVs. Meters are often on the side of the house by the garage or driveway.

Having a device installed by the power company would be ideal.

Why replace the meter? Are you just suggesting that doing that would be easier than running a new high amp circuit from the circuit breaker?

The L2 chargers are often quite programmable to e.g. use the cheaper late-night electricity. And because what new gadget these days doesn't come with software and an iPhone app?

And some chargers would have an integrated meter as well. Would this suit you? But we don't really know what your intended for that meter use is.

I think street parking should be phased out. Private parking should be mandated. Then it'll be the matter of parking lot billing.

I have seen streetside chargers near me.


The electricity delivery infrastructure actually already exists, and has for a long time: street lamps were spec'd before the transition to low power LED lights.


As a person who doesn't drive I'm getting pretty sick of the expectation that I pay for parking spots every drivers may want to go, and find the exasperated and demanding attitude that drivers display when they can't find convenient parking to be utterly childlike behavior. God forbid you have to walk a block. You know how many blocks I walked to get here?

Also we need to have a discussion about the hoarding going on in suburban garages. People buy these tacky box houses and then cram all kinds of dumb shit in their garage where their vehicles are supposed to go and then park on the street and bitch about their neighbours friends stealing 'their spot.'

This is all so insane.

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